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Good at Beginnings


My fingers are raw from writing this song

Your words slip through my hands

Drifting, like flakes of snow

Blanket of silence cushions the blow


Your voice makes me cry

It hits straight where the sun never shines


Do you dream of me the way i dream of you?

I need to be moved

Darlin', make me move


I'm no good at beginnings, but i'll see you through the end

I'll rock you through the darkest night, 

My Lover, 

My Friend.


I lay here making angels, longing for the desert sun

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust

Fire brings new Life


Echos are all that remain

You never leave my mind


Sweat and soap, sweet scent

You taste of blood and tears

Sing to me, all evening

I'll dance for you 'til morn'


I'm no good at beginnings, but i'll see you through the end

I'll rock you through the darkest night, 

My Lover, 

My Friend.









Here am i all flesh and bone

Finite, flawed, and blue

Here i am spirit born

Perfect with no end


A little voice inside of me

And a voice inside of you

A little piece of Divine

It brings me back to you


Heaven knows where i've been

It sure does feel like hell

Thank the Lord you reached out your hand

And pulled me up again


You love me and i love you

That's all, there's naught to fear

You are mine and i am yours

Together we're all that's true


All i know is what i know

People like to say

Even though, truth be told

They know not what they do


Heaven knows where i've been

It sure does feel like hell

Thank the Lord you reached out your hand

And pulled me up again


Thank the Lord you still have hope

You don't give up on me

Thank the Lord you reached out your hand

And pulled me up again

And pulled me up again

And pulled me up again

You pulled me up again

You pulled me up again







Be My Song


One man boat, tossing waves, this storm has really got me down

I curse, i complain, i never make a change

This course is my curse, i'm afraid, i'll never walk on water at this rate


Are you sad and lonely?

Have you lost your way?

Come in, find some comfort

A new day is on it's way


If you want to hold Me close, you know i won't refuse

I'll make My home inside your chest, curled next to each passing breathe

It's all in His perfect time, ask and you'll receive


I always tend to bury deep

I'm hungry, sick and tired of this place

Building walls, blocking out the sun

This pride, greed and shame only box me in

I'm a captive, someone set me free


Fill up on My lovin' 

Let it be your guide

Broken is just a season

There's healing on the other side


If you want to hold Me close, you know i won't refuse

I'll make My home inside your chest, curled next to each passing breathe

It's all in His perfect time, ask and you'll receive


Once a picture, now a mirror

Don't you look a lot like Me?

Take your shoes off, grass between your toes

Isn't this sweet enough to tend to your hungry soles?

You'll find My joy through your sorrow


Give me ears to hear

What the Spirit says

My beauty, it surrounds you

Go out and be My song

Go out and be My song

Go out and be My song







Won't You?


Baby, Won't you take my hand?

Baby, Won't you take My hand?

My skin is soft and My touch is warm

Baby, Won't you take My hand?


Baby, Won't you look at Me?

Baby, Won't you look at Me?

My eyes are patterned with grace and love

Oh, Baby, Won't you look at me?


Baby, Won't you let Me in?

Baby, Won't you let Me in?

The window is open, but the door is closed

Baby, Won't you let Me in?

Oh, Baby, Won't you let Me in?


Baby, Won't you sing for Me?

Baby, Won't you sing for Me?

Moan for Me 'til after midnight

Oh, Baby, Won't you sing for Me?


Baby, Won't you dance with Me?

Baby, Won't you dance with Me?

I love it when you sway that way

Oh, Baby, Won't you dance with Me?


Baby, Won't you say My name?

Baby, Won't you say My name?

Call it loud and call it long

Oh, Baby, Won't you call My name?


Oh, Baby, Won't you say My name? 

Oh, Baby, Won't you say My name?







Do You Want to Make a Bet?


There i was, minding my own business, when i saw her lovely smile

She said her name was Boo, as in, when something cute yells to scare you half to death

One day she came to me, she said, "Do you wanna make a bet if heaven and hell exist?"


Baby, you won't bet on me

Maybe you won't bet on me, 

Oh, Baby, bet on me


Put down your dukes, open your hands

Let me give you all that i can

Oh, Boo, Oh, Boo, Oh, Boo,

Let me love you.


Boo made me laugh so hard and she acted a little crazy- I thought it was just fine

She liked to recycle by hiding all her bottles neatly behind cupboard doors

She ate pills that promised to make her better, but she only got much worse


Baby, you won't bet on me

Maybe you won't bet on me

Oh, Baby, bet on me


Put down your dukes, open your hands, 

Let me give you all that i can

Oh, Boo, Oh, Boo, Oh Boo

Let me love you


Is it so hard to say," i'm sorry for all i've done, and all i didn't do?"

Every wrong can be made right; every soul is still alive with a little hope and a bit of belief

How do i heal all these unseen wounds, and how do i lose my breathe again?


Oh, Baby i would bet on you

Maybe i would bet on you

Oh, Baby i'll bet on you


Put down your dukes, open your hands

Let me give you all that i can 

Oh, Boo, Oh, Boo, Oh, Boo

Let me love you.


I don't want to live like living and dying are exact same sides of the coin

I wanna teeter right on the edge of whatever makes me new

Boo was so beautiful- Beauty shines from deep within-, but she didn't understand


Maybe i would bet on you

Baby i would bet on you

Oh, Baby, i'll bet on you


Put down your dukes, open your hands

Let me give you all that i can

Oh, Boo, Oh, Boo, Oh, Boo

Let me love you.







John, Dear.


On you i'll waste no more wishes. I'll shed no more tears. You can take this as your letter, John, Dear. 


Outside there's a strange vibration. It won't settle inside my bones. I'm not cloaked in all this skin, to merely roam alone. I met you in the summer; i wrote you in the fall; used all my patience by winter, knowing spring was near. 


Oh, lay me down, lay down with me. Oh, lay me down while this grass is green. 


I want you to take me in the morning. Baby, it's a brand new day. Let's walk on down to the river. I'll let you wash my sins away. 


Lay me down, lay down with me. Oh, lay me down while this grass is green. 


If to be born again means escape from this damnation, i'd rather float to the heavens, than be stuck in hell this way.


Lay me down, lay down with me. Oh, lay me down while this grass is green. 


I can't thrive without you, right here by my side. If we can't be together, honey, it's time to say goodbye. 


So, on you, i'll waste no more wishes. I'll shed no more tears. You can take this as your letter, John, Dear.








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